Asbestos was once commonly used due to its superior insulating properties. Now it is a known carcinogen and must be handled carefully. The Asbestos Safety Program provides the written policy your business needs for working with asbestos hazards.
This product is provided in Microsoft Word®, it can be edited and customized.
Asbestos Safety Program Subjects
- Hazards of Asbestos
- Program Responsibilities
- Asbestos Sampling and Monitoring
- Medical Surveillance
- Asbestos Regulated Areas
- Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
- Engineering and Administrative Controls
- Spill Control
- Handling and Cleanup
- Respiratory Protection and PPE
- Training Requirements
- Program Review
Do you need asbestos training for your employees? Check out the Asbestos Safety Compliance Kit, which contains both this safety policy and asbestos safety training for your employees.