Free Machine Guarding Safety Videos

These videos are not owned or endorsed by XO Safety or Affordable Safety Training, LLC. Use them at your discretion.

Farm Accident: Potato Harvester Amputates Worker's Forearm

An examination of an accident on a farm that could have been prevented with proper machine guarding.


Video Length: 2:45

Video Author: WorkSafeBC

Don't Touch The Guard

A quick but succinct video about the importance of machine guards.


Video Length: 2:26

 Video Author: Safety Memos


A look at the types of guards available and how to use them in order to avoid injuries or death as told by workers.


Video Length: 11:08

Video Author: WorkSafeBC

Check Out Our Machine Guarding Safety DVDs.

Here is a collection of Machine Guarding Safety DVD's available at XO Safety.

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