Large Train Fire On Highway 30 in Portland, OR

A deadly crash has sparked train fire in Portland, Oregon. This accident happened near St. Johns.  A semi-truck crashed into a rail car, sparking a large fire. There is oil and chemical storage in the area.  Residents have been told to stay indoors and avoid breathing the fumes. This area of Highway 30 has had frequent problems this week.  A natural gas leak caused a closure, and a large landslide took out a major portion of the road.

Here is a view of the initial fire from across the river:

This is a video of the fire fighters attacking the blaze:

The thick black smoke is a sign of a fuel fire. These can be very difficult to put out. This is another example of the importance of anticipating emergencies, having an action plan in place, and available, trained, first-responders.


1 comment

Michelle Ahmed

Michelle Ahmed

I gotta stop taking that road to work.

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