Forklift Train The Trainer Program

Forklift Train The Trainer Online Course

The Forklift Train The Trainer Online Course covers everything you need to know about forklift operation and certifying operators at your facility.

  • Interact With A Certified Safety Expert
  • Covers All Training Requirements Of 29 CFR 1910.178
  • Free Forklift Training Resources
  • How To Develop A Training Curriculum
  • Hands On Training
  • + Much more

Step 1 - Designate a Forklift Trainer

Question: Does a Forklift Trainer Need an Oustide Certification To Become A Trainer?

Answer: No - OSHA gives the employer the full authority to evaluate and designate forklift trainers for their facility. No outside certification or designation is required.

Forklift Trainers must have the:

  • Knowledge
  • Training
  • Experience

to train operators and evaluate their competence. The employer determines who meets this requirement.

Forklift Train The Trainer Designation Form

Forklift Trainer Designation Form

Pro Tip: Designate a forklift trainer in writing.

OSHA does not require any official documentation for forklift trainers, but it is good practice to put your designation in writing. This will allow you to demonstrate your trainers qualifications quickly and easily.

Step 2 - Review the Regulations


All Powered Industrial Trucks are covered by 29 CFR 1910.178. OSHA has provided some useful information for forklift trainers:


Step 3 - Identify Training Materials

Training Materials Can Be In Any Form, As Long As They Cover The Required Topics

The training materials must cover the requirements of 1910.178. They can be:

  • Video
  • Online Training
  • Handout
  • Slide Presentation
  • Lecture and Discussion

They just need to cover the required items. The vehicle operators manual is a good place to check for training content.



Forklift Train The Trainer Content Requirements

Step 4 - Conduct Forklift Training

Classroom Forklift Training

Hands On Forklift Training

Forklift Trainer Supervising Employee

Be sure to document all training in writing!

Step 5 - Reevaluate A Minimum of Every Three Years

Refresher training and an evaluation must occur when:

  • The operator has been observed to operate the vehicle in an unsafe manner
  • The operator has been involved in an accident or near-miss incident
  • The operator has received an evaluation that reveals that the operator is not operating the truck safely
  • The operator is assigned to drive a different type of truck
  • A condition in the workplace changes in a manner that could affect safe operation of the truck
  • An evaluation of each powered industrial truck operator's performance shall be conducted at least once every three years
Forklift Refresher Training Requirements