Cal OSHA T8 Section 3203 requires California employers to establish and implement an effective written injury and illness prevention program. The Cal-OSHA Injury and Illness Prevention Program will provide your business with a template for an IIPP program.
This product is provided in Microsoft Word®, and can be downloaded immediately after purchase.
IIPP Contents
- A complete Cal OSHA IIPP template
- Code of Safe Work Practices
- A complete set of work area hazard assessment checklists
IIPP Topics
- Purpose
- Program Responsibilities
- Methods of Compliance
- Methods of Communication
- Safe Work Practices
- Medical Emergencies
- Hazard Assessment Procedures
- Hazard Assessment Checklists
- Methods For Correcting Unsafe Conditions
- Accident and Exposure Investigations
- Training and Instruction
- Recordkeeping
- Program Evaluation
- Hazard Assessment and Correction Record
- Accident and Exposure Investigation Record
- Worker Training and Instruction Record