Need to create a Hazard Comunication Program? Here is a great step-by-step guide to help you get started!

The Hazard Communication DVD Compliance Kit contains everything you need to create a written Hazard Communication Program and train employees. It includes:

  • Written Hazard Communication Program
  • Hazard Communication Safety Video
  • HazCom E-Learning
  • HazCom PowerPoint
  • Training & Certification Documentation

Washington L & I - Hazard Communication and GHS

A comprehensive presentation on Hazard Communication and GHS from the State of Washington.  Contains a few gory photos.

Slides: 59

Author: Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

Download Here

Michigan OSHA - Hazard Communication Training Program (Including GHS Revisions)

A free Hazard Communication PowerPoint from the State of Michigan. Incudes the new GHS requirements.  

Slides: 48

Author: Michigan OSHA, CET, Michigan Department of Licensing & Regulator Affairs

Download Here

Institute of Occupational Safety and Health - Introduction to the Globally Harmonized System, GHS

This free PowerPoint introduces the Globally Harmonized Standard, and explains how it applies to employers.

Slides: 25

Author: Florida Sate College at Jacksonville

Download Here

OSHA Training Institute - Hazard Communication

This free PowerPoint from the Southwest Education Center covers the requirements of Hazard Communication. It needs to be updated with the more recent GHS information.  

Slides: 32

Author: OSHA Southwest Education Center

Download Here


These Power Points have not been evaluated or endorsed by Affordable Safety Training LLC or XO Safety.  They are created and owned by third parties.  Use them at your discretion.


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