Training Requirements in OSHA Standards

Construction 29 CFR 1926

For the purposes of this section, Construction work means work for the construction, alteration, and/or repair, including painting and decorating. 1926.12 (b)

Subpart C - General Safety and Health Provisions

General Safety and Health Provisions - 1926.20

  • The employer must train each affected employee in the manner required the standard, each failure to train an employee may be considered a seperate viloation. 1926.20 (f)(2)

Safety Training and Education - 1926.21

  • The Secretary will establish and supervise programs for the education and training of employers and employees in the recognition, avoidance and prevention of unsafe conditions in employements covered by the act. 1926.21 (a)
  • Employer Responsibility: 1926.21 (b)
    • The employer should avail himself of the safety and health programs the Secretary provides. 1926.21 (b)(1)
    •  The employer will instruct each employee in the recognition and avoidance of unsafe conditions applicable to their work emvironment. 1926.21 (b)(2)
    • Employees required to handle/use poision, caustics and other harmful substances will in instructed on the safe handling/use , and be made aware of potential hazards, personal hygiene, and personal protective measures required. 1926.21 (b)(3)
    • In job sites where harmful plants/animals are present, employees who may be exposed shall be instructed regarding potential hazards, how to avoid injury, and first aid procedures in the event of an injury. 1926.21 (b)(4)
    •  Employees required to handle/use flammable liquids, gases, or toxic materials will be instructed in the safe handling/use of these materials and made aware of the specific requirements contained in subparts D, F and other applicable subparts. 1926.21 (b)(5)
    • All employees required to enter into confined or enclosed spaces will be instructed as to the nature of the hazards involved, necessary precautions to be taken, and in the use of protective and emergency equipment required. 1926.21 (b)(6)(i)

Employee Emergency Action Plans - 1926.35

  • Before implementing an emergency action plan, the employer will designate and train a sufficent amount of persons to assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees. 1926.35 (e)(1)
  • Employer will review the plan with each employee [when]: 1926.35 (e)(2)
    • Initially when the plan is developed. 1926.35 (e)(2)(i)
    • When the employee's responsibilities or designated actions under the plan change. 1926.35 (e)(2)(ii)
    • When the plan is changed. 1926.35 (e)(2)(iii)
  • Employer will review with each employee upon initial assignment those parts of the plan which the employee must know to protect the employee in the event of an emergency. 1926.35 (e)(3)

Subpart D - Occupational Health and Environmental Controls

Medical Services and First Aid - 1926.50

  • A person will be adequetly trained to perform first aid when there is no infirmary, clinic, or hospital near by. 1926.50 (c)

Occupational Noise Exposure - 1926.52

  • In all cases where the sound levels exceed the values shown herein, a continuing, effective hearing conservation program will be administered. 1926.52 (d)(1)

Ionizing Radiation - 1926.53

  • Any activity that involves the use of radioactive materials or X-rays, will be done by competent persons specially trained in the proper and safe operations of such equipment. In the case of materials iused under [the National Regulatory] Commission license, only persons actually licensed, or competent persons under direction and supervison of the licensee will perform such work. 1926.53 (b)

Nonionizing Radiation - 1926.54

  • Only qualified and trained persons will be assigned to install, adjust, and operate laser equipment. 1926.54 (a)

Gases, Vapors, Fumes, Dusts, and Mists - 1926.55

  • Employees working in/around open-surface tank operations must be instructed as to the hazards, and in the personal protection and first aid procedures applicable to these hazards. 1926.57 (i)(9)(i)
  • At least one trained standby employee, with suitable respirator, will be present in the nearest uncontaminated area. The standby employee must be able to communicate with the employee in the tank and be able to haul him out of the tank with a lifeline if necessary. 1926.55 (i)(11)(v)

Ventilation - 1926.57

  • All employees working in/around open-surface tank operations must be instructed as to the hazards of their jobs, in personal protection and first aid procedures applicable to these hazards. 1926.57 (i)(9)(i)
  • If, in emergencies, such as rescue work, it is necessary to enter a tank which may contain hazardous atmosphere, suitable respirators, such as SCBA, hose mask with blower, or a gas mask selected and operated in accordance with this paragraph (i)(9)(vi). If contaiminant can be absorbed through the skin, employee will enter wearining protective clothing. At least one trained standby employee, with suitable resipration will be present in the nearest uncontaminated area. The standby employee must be able to communicate with the employee in the tak and be able to haul him out if necessary. 1926.57 (i)(11)(v)

Hazard Communication - 1926.59

  • [NOTE: The requirements to construction work under this section are identical to those set forth in 1910.1200 - Hazard Communication of this chapter]
  • Transmission of this information will be done by means of a comprehensive hazard communication programs, which are to include container labeling and other forms of warning, safety data sheets, and employee training. 1910.1200 (a)(1)

Methylenedianiline - 1926.60

  • Employer will provide employees with information and training on MDA in accordance with 29 CFR 1910.1200(h), at the time of initial assignment and at least annually thereafter. 1926.60(I)(3)(i)
  • In addition to 29 CFR 1910.1200, employer will: 1926.60 (I)(3)(ii)
    • Provide an explaination of this section, including Appedices A & B, and indicate to employees where a copy can be found. 1926.60 (I)(3)(ii) (A)
    • Describe the medical surveillance program, and explain the information contained in Appedix C. 1926.60 (I)(3)(ii)(B)
    • Describe the medical removal provision. 1926.60 (I)(3)(ii)(C)
  • Employer will maintain all employee training records for 1 year beyond last date of employement. 1926.60(o)(6)

Lead in Construction - 1926.62

  • The employer will include lead in the program established to comply with Hazard Communications (HCS)(1910.1200). Each employee will have access to the labels on containers of lead and safety data sheets. The employer will ensure the following hazards are addressed: 1926.62 (I)(1)(i)
    • Reproductive/developmental toxicisty. 1926.62 (I)(1)(i)(A)
    • Central nervous system effects. 1926.62 (I)(1)(i)(B)
    • Kidney effects. 1926.62 (I)(1)(i)(C)
    • Blood effects. 1926.62 (I)(1)(i)(D)
    • Acute toxicity effects. 1926.62 (I)(1)(i)(E)
  • Employer will train each employee who is subject to lead exposure at or above the action level on any day, or who is subject to exposure to lead compounds which may cause skin or eye irritation. The employer will institute a training program and ensure employee participation. 1926.62 (I)(1)(ii)
  • Employer will provide training as initial training prior to the time of job assignement. 1926.62 (I)(1)(iii)
  • Employer will provide training at least annually thereafter for employees exposed to lead at or above the action level on any day. 1926.62 (I)(1)(iv)
  • Employer will assure that each employee is trained in the following: 1926.62(l)(2)
    • Content of this standard and appendices. 1926.62(l)(2)(i)
    • Specific nature of operations that could result in lead exposure above the action level. 1926.62 (l)(2)(ii)
    • Purpose, proper selection, fitting, use and limitations of respirators. 1926.62(l)(2)(iii)
    • Purpose and description of the medical surveillance program, including information on the adverse health effects of exposure to lead (specifically the adverse reproduction effects on both male and female and the hazards to the fetus). 1926.62 (l)(2)(iv)
    • Engineering controls and work practices associated with the employee's job including training of employees to follow relevent good work practices described in Appendix B. 1926.62 (l)(2)(v)
    • Contents of any compliance plan in effect. 1926.62 (l)(2)(vi)
    • Instructions to employees that taking chelating agents to remove lead should not be done unless under direction from a licensed physician. 1926.62 (l)(2)(vii)
    • Employee's right to access of records under 29 CFR 1910.20. 1926.62(l)(2)(viii)​​​​​​​

Process Safety Management - 1926.64

  • Training will include emphasis on the specific safety and health hazards, emergency operations including shutdown, and safe work practices. 1926.64 (g)(1)(i)
  • Refresher training will be provided at least every 3 years, [or] more often if necessary. 1926.64 (g)(2)
  • Training of each employee involved in operating process has been completed. 1926.64 (i)(2)(iv)
  • Employer will train each employee involved in maintaining the on-going integrity of process equipment in an overview of that process and its hazards. 1926.64 (j)(3)BI
  • Employees involved in operating a process and maintenance and contract employees whose job tasks will be affected by a change in process will be trained in the change prior to start-up of the process. 1926.64 (I)(3)

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response - 1926.65

  • Employers will develop and implement a written safety and health program for employees involved in hazardous waste operations. The program will be designed to identify, evaluate, and control safety and health hazards, and provide for emergency response for hazardous waste. 1926.65 (b)(1)(i)
  • The written safety and health plan will incorporate: 1926.65 (b)(1)(ii)
    • Safety and health training program [described in Appendix C 1926.65]. 1926.65 (b)(1)(ii)(D)
  • The comprehensive workplan will address the tasks and objectives of the site operations, logistics, and resources required to reach those tasks and objectives. 1926.65 (b)(3)
  • The comprehensive plan will provide for the implemenatation of the training required in paragraph (e) of this section. 1926.65 (b)(3)(iv)
  • [The site safety and health plan will address at a minimum] employee training assignments to assure compliance with paragraph (e) of this section. 1926.65 (b)(4)(ii)(B)
  • PPE to be used by employees for each of the tasks and operations being conducted as required by paragraph (g)(5) of this section. 1926.65(b)(4)(ii)(C)
  • Site specific safety and health plan will allow for pre-entry briefings to be held prior to any site activity or whenerever it is necessary to ensure employees are apprised of the site safety and health plan. Information and data obtained crom the site characterization and analysis work required in paragraph (c) of this section will be used to prepare and update the site safety and health plan. 1926.65(b)(4)(iii)
  • PPE will be provided and used during initial site entry and in accordance with the following: 1926.65(c)(5)
    • Once hazards have been identified, appropriate PPE will be selected and used in accordance with paragraph (g) of this section. 1926.65(c)(5)(iv)

Subpart E - Personal Protective and Life Saving Equipment

Eye and Face Protection - 1926.102

  • Eye and face protection will meet the requirements of American National Standards Institute, Z87.1-1968. 1926.102, (a)(2)

Respiratory Protection - 1926.103

NOTE: The requirements under this section are identical to 29 CFR 1910.134.

  • Employer will make sure that each employee can show knowledge of: 1910.134(k)(1)
    • Why the respirator is necessary, and how improper fit, use, or maintenance can compromise the effectiveness of the respirator. 1910.134(k)(1) (i)
    • Limitations of respirator. 1910.134(k)(1) (ii)
    • How to use the respirator in an emergency, including when the respirator malfunctions. 1910.134(k)(1) (iii)
    • How to inspect, put on, remove, use, and check seals. 1910.134(k)(1) (iv)
    • Maintenance and storage of respirator. 1910.134(k)(1) (v)
    • How to recognize medical signs and symptoms that may limit or prevent the effectiveness of the respirator. 1910.134(k)(1) (vi)
    • General requirements of this setion. 1910.134(k)(1) (vii)
  • Training will be done in a manner the employee understands. 1910.134 (k)(2)
  • Training will be done prior to use of a respirator. 1910.134 (k)(3)
  • Retraining will be done annually and when: 1910.134(k) (5)
    • Changes in the workplace or type of respirator. 1910.134(k) (5) (i)
    • When the employee demonstrates they have not retained the training. 1910.134(k) (5) (ii)
    • Other situations arise to ensure safe respirator use. 1910.134(k) (5) (iii)

Subpart F - Fire Protection and Prevention

Fire Protection - 1926.150

  • As warented by the project, the employer will provide a trained and equipped firefighting organization (Fire Brigade) to assure adequate protection to life. 1926.150 (a)(5)

Definitions Applicable to this Subpart - 1926.155

  • Fire Brigade means an organized group of employees that are knowledgeable, trained, and skilled in the safe evacuation of employees in emergency situations and in assisting fire fighting operations. 1926.155 (e)

Subpart G - Signs, Signals, and Barricades

Accident Prevention Signs and Tags - 1926.200

  • All traffic control signs/devices used for the protection of construction workers will conform to Part VI of MUTCD, 1988 Edition, Revision 3, September 3, 1993 or Part VI of MUTCD, Millennium Edition, December 2000, FHWA. 1926.200 (g)(2)

Signaling - 1926.201

  • Signaling by flaggers and the use of flaggers will conform to Part VI of the MUTCD (1988 Edition, Revision 3 or the Millennium Edition). 1926.201 (a)
  • Regulations for hoist signaling wil be found in ANSI standards. [NOTE: As of 11/8/10, crane/derrick signaling comes under final rule, 29 CFR 1926 Subpart 1926 CC. The rule requires specific training for signal persons (1926.1430(b) - based on signal person qualifications requirements in 1926.142(c)]. 1926.201 (b)

Barricades - 1926.202

  • Barricades for protection of employees will conform to Part VI of the MUTCD (1988 Edition, Revision 3 or the Millennium Edition). 1926.202

Subpart I -Tools - Hand and Power

General Requirements - 1926.300

  • Employees using hand and power tools exposed to the hazard of falling, flying, abrasive, and splashing objects, or exposed to harmful dusts, fumes, mists, vapors, or gases will be provided with particular PPE. All PPE will meet the requirements and be maintained according to Subparts D & E. 1926.300 (c)

Power Operated Hand Tools - 1926.302

  • Only employees who have been trained in the operation of a particular tool will be allowed to operate a power-actuated tool. 1926.302

Subpart J - Welding and Cutting

Gas Welding and Cutting 1926.350

  • In-plant handling, storage, utilization of all compressed gases in cylinders, portable tanks, rail tank cars, or motor vehicle cargo tanks will be in accordance with Compressed Gas Association Pamphlet P-1-1965. 1926.350 (a)(12)

Arc Welding and Cutting - 1926.351

  • Employers will instruct employees in the safe means of arc welding and cutting as follows: 1926.351 (d)
    • When electrode holders are left unattended, the electrodes will be removed from holders and placed/protected so that they cannot make electrical contact with employees or conducting objects. 1926.351 (d)(1)
    • Hot electrode holders will not be placed in water; to do so may exposed the arc welder/cutter to electric shock. 1926.351 (d)(2)
    • When the arc welder/cutter has occasion to leave the work area or stop for any length of time or when the machine is to be moved, the power supply switch to the equipment will be opened. 1926.351 (d)(3)
    • Any faulty or defective equipment will be reported to the supervisor. 1926.351 (d)(4)
    • See 1926.406 (c) for additional requirements. 1926.351 (d)(5)

Fire Prevention - 1926.352

  • When welding, cutting, or heating operations is such that normal fire prevention precautions are not sufficient, additional personal will be assigned to guard against fire while the operations are being performed, and for a sufficient periord of time after the completion of work to ensure that no possibility of fire exists. Such personnal will be instructed as to the specific fire hazards to anticipate and how firefighting equipment is to be used. 1926.352 (e)
  • When welding, cutting, or heating is done on walls, floors, and ceilings, direct penetration of sparks/heat transfer may introduce a fire hazard to an adjacent area, the same precautions will be taken on the opposite side as are taken on the side where the welding is being performed. 1926.352 (f)

Subpart K - Electrical

General Requirements - 1926.416

  • Before work begins the employer will ensure by inquiry, direct observation, or by instruments, whether any part of an energized circuit, exposed or concealed, is located where the performance of work may bring any person, tool, or machine into physical or electrical contact with the electrical power circuit. Employer will post proper signs where such a circuit exists. Employer will advise employees of the location of such lines, the hazards involved, and the protective measures to be taken. 1926.416 (a)(3)

Subpart L - Scaffolds

Scope, Application and Definitions Applicable to this Subpart - 1926.450

  • Employer will have each employee who performs work on a scaffold trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand procedures to control or minimize those hazards. Training will include: 1926.454 (a)
    • Nature of any electrical, fall, or falling object hazards. 1926.454 (a)(1)
    • Correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems and falling object protection systems being used. 1926.454 (a)(2)
    • Proper use of the scaffold, and proper handling of materials on the scaffold. 1926.454 (a)(3)
    • Maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the scaffolds used. 1926.454 (a)(4)
    • Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart. 1926.454 (a)(5)
  • Each employee involved in erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, maintaining, or inspecting a scaffold trained by a competent person to recognize any hazards associated with the work in question. Including: 1926.454 (b)
    • Nature of scaffold hazards. 1926.454 (b)(1)
    • Correct procedures for erecting, disassembling, moving, operating, repairing, inspecting, and maintaining the type of scaffold in question. 1926.454 (b)(2)
    • Design criteria, maximum intended load-carrying capacity and intended use of scaffold. 1926.454 (b)(3)
    • Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart. 1926.454 (b)(4)
  • Retraining is required in at least the following situations: 1926.454 (c)
    • Changes at the worksite present a hazard that the employee has not been trained on. 1926.454 (c)(1)
    • Changes in the types of scaffold, fall protection, falling object protection, or other equipment present a hazard that the employee has not been trained on. 1926.454 (c)(2)
    • Where inadequacies in affected employee's work with scaffolds indicate that the employee has not retained the requisite proficiency. 1926.454 (c)(3)
  • Qualified means one who, by possesion of a recognized degree, certificate, or professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training, and experience, has successfully demonstrated their ability to solve/resolve problems related to the subject matter, the work, or the project. 1926.450 (a)

General Requirements - 1926.451

  • Scaffolds will be erected, moved, dismantled, or altered only under the supervision and direction of a competent person qualified in such activities. Erection, moving, dismantaling or alterations will only be done by experienced and trained employees selected by a competent person. 1926.451 (f)(7)

Training Requirements - 1926.454

  • Employer will have each employee that performs work on a scaffold to be trained by a person qualified in the subject matter to recognize the hazards associated with the type of scaffold being used and to understand the proceedures to control or minimize those hazards. Training will includethe following areas, as applicable: 1926.454 (a)
    • Nature of electrical, fall and falling objects hazards in the work area. 1926.454 (a)(1)
    • Correct procedures for dealing with electrical hazards and for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling fall protection and falling obeject protection systems. 1926.454 (a)(2)
    • Proper use of the scaffold and proper handling of materials on the scaffold. 1926.454(a)(3)
    • Maximum intended load and the load-carrying capacities of the scaffold used. 1926.454(a)(4)
    • Any other pertinent requirements of this subpart. 1926.454 (a)(5)

Subpart M - Fall Protection

Training Requirements - 1926.503

  • Employer will provide a training program for each employee who may be exposed to fall hazards. The program will enable eack employee to recognize fall hazardsand will train employees in procedures to reduce these hazards. 1926.503 (a)(1)
  • Employee will be trained by a competent person qualified in the following areas: 1926.305 (a)(2)
    • Nature of fall hazards in the work area. 1926.305 (a)(2)(i)
    • Correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, disassembling, and inspecting the fall protection systems used. 1926.305 (a)(2)(ii)
    • Use and operation of guardrail systems, personal fall arrest systems, safety net systems, warning line systems, safety monitoring systems, controlled access zones, and other protection to be used. 1926.305 (a)(2)(iii)
    • Role of each employee in the safety monitoring systems when this system is used. 1926.305 (a)(2)(iv)
    • Limitations on the use of mechanical equipment during performance of roofing work on low-sloped roofs. 1926.305 (a)(2)(v)
    • Correct procedures for the handling and storage of equipments and materials and the erection of overhead protection. 1926.305 (a)(2)(vi)
    • Role of employees in fall protection plans. 1926.305 (a)(2)(vii)
    • The standards contained in this subpart. 1926.305 (a)(2)(viii)
  • Circumstances where retraining is required include, but are not limited to: 1926.305(c)
    • Changes in the workplace that render previous training obsolete. 1926.305(c)(1)
    • Changes in the fall protection systems or equipment to be used render previous training obsolete. 1926.305(c)(2)
    • Inadequecies in an affected employee's knowledge use of fall protection equipmemnt indicate the employee has not retained the requisite understanding or skill. 1926.305(c)(3)

Subpart O - Motor Vehicles, Mechanized Equipment, and Marine Operations

Material Handling Equipment - 1926.602

NOTE: The requirements applicable to construction work under this paragraph are identical to those set forth at 1910.178 (1).

  • Training will consist of formal instruction, practical training, and evaluation of the operator's performance. 1910.178 (I)(2)(ii)
  • PIT truck operators will reveive inital training in: 1910.178 (I)(3)
    • Truck-related topics: 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)
      • Operating instructions, warnings, precautions for the type of truck they wil be operating. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(A)
      • Differences between the truck and an automobile. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(B)
      • Truck controls, where they are located, what they do, and how they work. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(C)
      • Engine or motor operation. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(D)
      • Steering & Maneuvering. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(E)
      • Visibility (including limitations due to loading). 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(F)
      • Fork and attatchement adaptation, operation, use, limits. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(G)
      • Vehicle capacity. 1910.178 (I)(3)(H)
      • Vehicle stabability. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(I)
      • Any vehicle inspections, maintenance that the operator will perform. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(J)
      • Refueling and/or charging and recharging batteries. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(K)
      • Operating limitations. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(L)
      • Any other operating instructions, warnings, or precautions listed in the operators manual. 1910.178 (I)(3)(i)(M)
    • Workplace-related topics: 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)
      • Surface conditions where the vehicle will be operated. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(A)
      • Composition of loads to be carried and load stabability. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(B)
      • Load manipulation, stacking, unstacking. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(C)
      • Pedestrian traffic in areas where the vehicle will be operated. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(D)
      • Narrow aisles and other restricted places where the vehicle will be operated.1910.178 (I)(3)(ii) (E)
      • Hazardous (classified) locations where the vehicle will be operated. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(F)
      • Ramps and other sloped surfaces that could affect the vehicle's stabability.1910.178 (I)(3)(ii) (G)
      • Closed environments and other areas where insufficient ventilation or poor vehicle maintenance could cause a buildup of carbon monoxide or diesel exhaust. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(H)
      • Other unique or potentially hazardous environmental conditions in the workplace that could affect safe operation. 1910.178 (I)(3)(ii)(I)
    • The requirements of this section. 1910.178 (I)(3) (iii)
  • Refresher training will be provided when: 1910.178(i)(4)(ii)
    • The operator has been observed operating the vehicle in an unsafe way. 1910.178(i)(4)(ii)(A)
    • The operator was involved in an accident or near-miss. 1910.178(i)(4)(ii)(B)
    • The operator recieved an evaluation that reveals they are not operating in a safe way. 1910.178(i)(4)(ii)(C)
    • The operator is assigned to another truck. 1910.178(i)(4)(ii)(D)
    • A condition in the workplace changes in a manner that could affect safe operations. 1910.178(i)(4)(ii)(E)
  • An evaluation will be done at least once every three years. 1910.178(i)(4)(iii)

Subpart R - Steel Erection

Fall Protection - 1926.760

  • Each employee working in a CDZ will have completed CDZ training in accordance with 1926.761

Training - 1926.761

  • Training rquired by this section will be provided by a qualified person. 1926.761 (a)
  • Employer will train each employee exposed to a fall hazard in accordance with this section. Employer will institute a training program and ensure employee participation. 1926.761 (b)
  • Employer will provide special training to employees engaged in the following: 1926.761 (c)
    • Employer will ensure each employee who performs multiple lift rigging has been provided training in the following areas: 1926.761 (c)(1)
    • - Nature of the hazards associated with multiple lifts. 1926.761 (c)(1)(i)
    • -Proper procedures and equipment to perform multiple lifts required by 1926.753(e). 1926.761 (c)(1)(ii)
    • Employer will ensure each connector has been provided training in the following areas: 1926.761 (c)(2)
    • -Nature of hazards associated with connecting. 1926.761 (c)(2)(i)
    • -Establishment, access, proper connecting techniques and work practices required by 1926.756(c) and 1926.760(b). 1926.761(c)(2)(ii)
    • Where CDZ are being used, employer will assure each employee has been trained in the following areas: 1926.761(c)(3)
    • -Nature of the hazards associated with work in a CDZ. 1926.761(c)(3)(i)
    • -Establishment, access, proper connecting techniques and work practices required by 1926.760 (c) and 1926.754(e). 1926.761 (c)(3)(ii)

Subpart S - Underground Construction, Caissons, Cofferdams, and Compressed Air

Underground Construction - 1926.800

  • All employees will be instructed in the recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with underground construction including: 1926.800 (d)
    • Air monitoring 1926.800 (d)(1)
    • Ventilation 1926.800 (d)(2)
    • Illumination 1926.800 (d)(3)
    • Communications 1926.800 (d)(4)
    • Flood control 1926.800 (d)(5)
    • Mechanical equipment 1926.800 (d)(6)
    • Personal Protective Equipment 1926.800 (d)(7)
    • Explosives 1926.800 (d)(8)
    • Fire prevention and protection 1926.800 (d)(9)
    • Emergency procedures, including evacuation plans and check-in/check-out systems 1926.800 (d)(10)
  • On jobsites where flammable or noxious gases are encountered or anticipated in hazardous quantities, rescue team members will practice donning and using self-contained breathing apparatus monthly. 1926.800 (g)(5)(iv)

Compressed Air - 1926.803

  • Every employee will be instructed in the rules and regulations which concern their safety and the safety of others. 1926.803 (a)(2)
  • Every employee going under air pressure for the first time will be instructed on how to avoid excessive discomfort. 1926.803 (e)(1)

Subpart U - Blasting and the Use of Explosives

Blaster Qualifications - 1926.901

  • A blaster will be qualified, by training, knowledge, or experience, in the field of transporting, storing, handling, and use of explosives, and have a working knowledge of State and local laws and regulations which pertain to explosives. 1926.901 (c)

Subpart V - Power Transmission and Distribution

Overhead Lines - 1926.955

  • In addition to standards contained elsewhere in this subpart, all live-line bare-hand work will be performed according to: 1926.955 (e)
    • Employees will be instructed and trained in the live-line bare-hand technique and the safety requirements before being permitted to use the technique on energized circuits. 1926.955 (e)(1)
    • All work will be personally supervised by a person trained and qualified to perform live-line bare-hand work. 1926.955 (e)(4)

Subpart X - Stairways and Ladders

Training Requirements - 1926.1060

  • Employer will provide training for each employee using ladders and stairways. The program will enable employees to recognize hazards related to ladders and stairways and will train them in how to minimize them. 1926.1060 (a)
  • Employer will ensure that each employee has been trained by a competent person in the following areas: 1926.1060 (a)(1)
    • Nature of fall hazards in the work area. 1926.1060 (a)(1)(i)
    • Correct procedures for erecting, maintaining, and disassembling the fall protection systems to be used. 1926.1060 (a)(1)(ii)
    • Proper construction, use, placement, and care in handling of all stairways and ladders. 1926.1060 (a)(1)(iii)
    • Maximum intended load-carrying capacities of ladders used. 1926.1060 (a)(1)(iv)
    • Standards in this subpart. 1926.1060 (a)(1)(v)
  • Retraining will be provided for each employee as necessary so that the employee maintains the understanding and knowledge to maintain compliance. 1926.1060 (b)

Subpart Y - Diving

Qualifications of Dive Team - 1926.1076

NOTE: Requirements applicable to construction in this section are identical to 1910.410.

  • Each dive team member will have the experience or training to perform assigned tasks in a safe and healthful manner. 1926.1076 (a)(1)
  • Each dive team member will have experience or training as follows: 1926.1076 (a)(2)
    • Use of tools, equipment, and systems relevant to assigned tasks. 1926.1076 (a)(2)(i)
    • Techniques of the assigned diving mode. 1926.1076 (a)(2)(ii)
    • Diving operations and emergency procedures. 1926.1076 (a)(2)(iii)
  • All dive team members will be trainied in CPR and first-aid (American Red Cross standard course or equivalent). 1926.1076 (a)(3)
  • Dive team members who are exposed to or control the exposure of others to hyperbaric conditions will be trained in diving-related physics and physiology. 1926.1076 (a)(4)
  • Limited additional tasks may be assigned to an employee undergoing training provided that they are performed under direct supervision of an experienced dive team member. 1926.1076 (b)(1)
  • Employer will designate an employee at the dive location to be in charge of all aspects of the operation affecting the safety and health of all dive team members. 1926.1076 (c)(1)
  • The designated person-in-charge will have the experience and training in the conduct of the assigned diving operations. 1926.1076 (c)(2)

Subpart Z - Toxic and Hazardous Substances

Asbestos - 1926.1101

  • All employees performing work covered by this paragraph (g)(11) will be trained in a training program that meets the requirements of paragraph (k)(9)(viii) of this section. 1926.1101 (g)(11)(ii)
  • At the entrance to mechanical rooms/areas in which employees can reasonably expect to enter and which contain ACM/PACM, the building owner will post signs to identify the material that is present, it's location and appropriate work practices which, if followed, will ensure that ACM/PACM will not be disturbed. Employer will ensure that employees who come into contact with these signs can comprehend them. Means to ensure comprehension may include foreign languages, pictographs, graphics, and awareness training. 1926.1101 (k)(6)
  • Employer will train each employee who is likely to be exposed in excess of the PEL, and each employee who performs Class I to IV asbestos operations, in accordance with this section. Training will be done at no cost to employee. Employer will institute a training program and ensure employee participation. 1920.1101 (k)(9)(i)
  • Training will be provided prior to to or at initial assignment and at least annually thereafter. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(ii)
  • Training for Class I and II operations that require the use of critical barriers (or equivalent isolation methods) and/or negative pressure enclosures under this section will be the equivalent in cirriculum, training method and length to the EPA MAP asbestos abatement workers training (40CFR part 763, subpart E, appendix C). 1926.1101 (k)(9)(iii)
  • Training for other Class II work: 1926.1101 (k)(9)(iv)
    • For work with asbestos containing roofing, flooring, siding materials, ceiling or transite panels, training will include a minimum of all elements included in paragraph (k)(9)(viii) of this section and in addition, the specific work practices and engineering controls set forth in paragraph (g) of this section that specifically relate to that catagory. Such course will include at least 8 hours of "hands-on" training. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(iv)(A)
    • Any employee who works in more that one catagory specified in paragraph 1926.1101 (k)(9)(iv)(A) of this section will receive training in the work practices applicable to each catagory of material that the employee removes and each removal method. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(iv)(B)
    • For Class II operations that do not involve material listed in 1926.1101 (k)(9)(iv)(A), training will include a minimum of all elements included in paragraph (k)(9)(viii) of this section and in addition, the specific work practices and engineering controls set forth in paragraph (g) of this section that specifically relate to that catagory of material being removed, it will be "hands-on" training in the work practices applicable to each catagory of material that the employee removes and each removal method.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(iv)(C)
  • Class III employees will be consistant with EPA requirements for training of local education agency maintenance and custodial staff as set forth by 40 CFR 763.92(a)(2). Course will include 16 hours "hands-on" training. Exception: When a compentent person determins that the EPA cirriculum does not adequetly cover training needed to perform that activity, training will include all elements of paragraph (k)(9)(viii) of this section in addition, the specific work practices and engineering controls set forth in paragraph (g) of this section that specifically relate to that activity, it will be "hands-on" training in the work practices applicable to each catagory of material that the employee disturbs. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(v)
  • Class IV employees will be consistant with EPA requirements for training of local education agency maintenance and custodial staff as set forth by 40 CFR 763.92(a)(1). Course will include available information concerning the locations of thermal system insulation and surfacing ACM/PACM, and asbestos-containing flooring material, or flooring material where the absence of asbestos has not yest been certified; instruction in recongnition of damage, deterioration, and delamination of asbestos-containing materials. Course will take at least 2 hours. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(vi)
  • Training for employees who are likely to be exposed in excess of the PEL and who are not otherwise required to be trained under paragraph (k)(9)(iii) through (vi) of this section will meet the requirements of paragraph (k)(9)(viii). 1926.1101 (k)(9)(vii)
  • Training program will be conducted in a meanner that the employee is able to understand. In addition to content required by paragraph (k)(9)(iii), employer will ensure each employee is informed of: 1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)
    • Methods of recognizing asbestos, including the requirement in paragraph (k)(1) of this section to presume that certain building materials contain asbestos. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(A)
    • Health effects associated with asbestos exposure. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(B)
    • Relationship between smoking and asbestos in producing lung cancer. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(c)
    • Nature of operations that could result in exposure, the importance of necessary protective controls to minimize exposure including, if applicable, engeneeiring controls, work practices, respirators, housekeeping procedures, hygiene facilities, protective clothing, decontamination procedures, emergency procedures, and waste disposal procedures, and any necessary instruction in the use of these controls and procedures where Class III and IV work will be performed, the contents of EPA 20T-2003, "Managing Asbestos In-Place" July 1990 or its equivalent in content. 1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(D)
    • Purpose, proper use, fitting instructions, and limitations of resprators as required by 29 CFR 1910.134.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(E)
    • Appropriate work practices for performing the asbestos job.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(F)
    • Medical surveillance program requirements.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(G)
    • Conent of this standard and its appendices.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(H)
    • Names, addresses, and phone numbers of public health organizations which provide information, materials and/or conduct programs regarding quitting smoking.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(I)
    • Requirements for posting signs and affixing labels and the the meaning of the required legends for such signs and labels.  1926.1101 (k)(9)(viii)(J)
  • Employer will keep training records for all employees for 1 year beyond the last day of employment. 1926.1101 (n)(4)
  • Competent Person Training: 1926.1101 (o)(4)
  • Class I and II competent person will be trained in all aspects of asbestos removal and handling, the contents of this standard, the identification of asbestos, removal procedures, where appropriatem and other practices for reducing the hazard. Training will be obtained in a comprehensive course for supervisors that meed the criteria of EPA's Model Accreditation Plan (40 CFR part 763, subpart E, appendix C), such as a course condusted by EPA-approved or state-approved, or a course equivalent in stringency, content, and length. 1926.1101 (o)(4)(i)
  • Class III and IV, the competent person will be trained in aspects of asbestos handling appropriate for the nature of the work, including procedures for setting up glove bags and mini enclosures, practices for reducing asbestos exposures, use of wet methods, the contents of this standard and the identification of asbestos. Training will include sucessful completion of a cours that is consistant with EPA requirements for local education agency maintenance and custodial staff as set forth in 40 CFR 763.92(a)(2), or it's equivalent in stringency, content and length. Competent person for Class III and IV, may also be trained in accordance with (o)(4)(i) of this section. 1926.1101 (o)(4)(ii)

Chromium (VI) - 1926.1126

  • Employer will include chromium (VI) in the program established to comply with Hazard Communications Standard (HCS)(1910.1200). Employer will ensure employees has acess to labels on containers and safety data sheets, and is trained in accordance with 1910.1200 and paragraph (j)(2) of this section. Employer will provide information on at least: cancer, eye irritation, and skin sensitization. 19226.1126 (j)(1)
  • Employee information and training: 1926.1126 (j)(2)
    • The contents of this section. 1926.1126 (j)(2)(i)(A)
    • Purpose and description of the medical surveillance program. 1926.1126 (j)(2)(i)(B)

Cadmium - 1926.1127

  • Employer will include cadmium in the program established to comply with the Hazard Communications Standard (HCS)(1910.1200). Employer will ensure employees has acess to labels on containers and safety data sheets, and is trained in accordance with 1910.1200 and paragraph (m)(4) of this section. Employer will provide information on at least: cancer, lung effects, kidney effects, and acute toxicity effects. 1926.1127 (m)(1)
  • Employee information and training: 1926.1127 (m)(4)
    • Employer will train each employee who is potentially exposed to cadmium in accordance with this section. Employer will institute a training program and ensure employee participation, and maintain a record of the contents of the training. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(i)
    • Training will be provided prior to or at the time of initial assignment to a job and at least annually thereafter. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(ii)
    • Employer will make sure that they training is understandable to the employee and that they are informed of: 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)
    • - Health hazards associated with cadmium expose, expecially Appendix A to this section. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(A)
    • -Quantity, location, manner of use, release, and storage of cadmium and the specific nature of operations that could result in exposure. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(B)
    • -Engineering controls and work practices associated with the employee's job assignment. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(C)
    • -Measures that employees can take to protect themselves from exposure to cadmium, including modification of habits (i.e. smoking, personal hygiene), and specific procedures the employer has implemented to protect employees from exposure (i.e. work practices, emergency procedures, and the provision of PPE). 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(D)
    • -Purpose, proper selection, fitting, proper use, and limitations of respirators and protective clothing. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(E)
    • -Purpose and description of the medical surveillance program. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(F)
    • -Content of this section and its appendices. 1926.1127 (m)(4)(iii)(G)

Subpart AA - Confined Spaces in Construction

Training - 1926.1207

  • Training must result in an understanding of the hazardsin the permit space and the methods to isolate, control of in other ways protect employees from these hazards, and for those employees who are not authorized to perform entry rescues, in the dangers of attempting such rescues. 1926.1207 (a)
  • Training required by this section must be provided to each affected employee: 1926.1207 (b)
    • In both language and vocabulary the employee understands. 1926.1207(b)(1)
    • Before an employee is assigned first duties under this standard. 1926.1207 (b)(2)
    • Before there is a change in assigned duties. 1926.1207 (b)(3)
    • When there is a change in permist space entry operations that presents a hazard that the employee has not been previously trained on. 1926.1207 (b)(4)
    • When there is evidence of a deviation form the permit space entry procedures required by paragraph 1926.1204(c) of this standard or there are inadequacies in the employee's knowledge or use of these procedures. 1926.1207 (b)(5)
  • Training must establish employee proficiency in the duties required by this standard and must introduce new or revised procedures, as necessary, for compliance with this standard. 1926.1207 (c)
  • Employer must maintain training records to show that the training required by paragraphs 1926.1207 (a) through (c) of this standard are complied with. 1926.1207 (d)

Rescue and Emergency Services - 1926.1211

  • An employer whose employees have been designated to provide permit space rescue and/or emergency services must take the following measures and provide all equipment and training at no cost to the employees: 1926.1211 (b)
    • Provide each affected employee with the PPE needed to conduct permit space rescues safely and train each affected employee to be proficent in use of the PPE. 1926.1211 (b)(1)
    • Train each affected employee to perform assigned rescue duties. Employers will ensure such employees sucessfully complete the training and required established proficiency as authorized entrants, as provided by 1926.1207 and 1926.1208 of this standard. 1926.1211 (b)(2)
    • Train each affected employee in basic first aid and CPR. Employer will ensure that at least one member of the rescue team/service is holding a current certification in first aid and CPR. 1926.1211 (b)(3)
    • Ensure that affected employees practice making permit space rescues prior to attempting an actual rescue, and at least once every 12 months, by means of simulated rescue operations. UNLESS employees have properly performed a rescue operation in the last 12 months in the same permit area or a simular space. 1926.1211 (b)(4)

Subpart CC - Cranes and Derricks in Construction

Definitions - 1926.1401

Assembly/Disassembly - General Requirements - 1926.1404

Power Line Safety (Up To 350 kV) - Equipment Operations

Signals - General Requirements - 1926.1419

  • When using non-standard hand signals, the signal person, operator, and lift director must contact each other prior to the operation and aggree on the non-standard hand signals that will be used. 1926.1419 (c)(2) 

Fall Protection - 1926.1423

  • Employer must train each employee who may be exposed to fall hazards on all the following: 1926.1423 (k)
    • Requirements in this subpart that address fall protection. 1926.1423 (k)(1)
    • Applicable requirements in 1926.500 and 1926.502. 1926.1423 (k)(2)

Work Area Control - 1926.1424


Keeping Clear of the Load - 1926.1425

  • When employees are within the fall zone, the following criteria must be met: 1926.1425 (c)
    • Materials being hoisted must be rigged to prevent unintentional displacement. 1926.1425 (c)(1)
    • Hooks with self-closing latchs or equivalent must be used. [Exception "j" hooks are allowed for wooden trusses. 1926.1425 (c)(2)
    • Materials must be rigged by a qualified rigger. 1926.1425 (c)(3)

Operator Qualifications and Certification - 1926.1427

Signal Person Qualifications - 1926.1428

Training - 1926.1430

Derricks - 1926.1436

  • Employer will train each operator of a derrick on the safe operation of the equipment they will operate. 1926.1436 (q)

Overhead & Gantry Cranes - 1926.1438

  • The requirement of 1910.179, except 1910.179(b)(1), and not the requirements of subpart CC apply to the following equipment when used in construction and permenently installed facility: overhead and gantry cranes, including semigantry, cantilever ganrty, wall cranes, storage bridge cranes, and others having the same fundamental characteristics. 1926.1438 (a)
  • Overhead and gantry cranes that are not permanently installed in a facility.1927.1438 (b)
  • The following requirements apply to equipment identified in paragraph (b)(1) of this section:
    • Sections 1926.1400 through 1926.1414; 1926.1417 through 1926.1425; 1926.1426(d); 1926.1427 through 1926.1434; 1926.1437, 1926.1439, and 1926.1441. [NOTE: This includes training at 1926.1404 assembly-disassembly, 1926.1419 Signals-general requirements, 1926.1423 Fall protection, 1926.1408(g) for power line safety (up to 350kV) — equipment operations.] 1926.1438 (b)(2)(i)

Equipment With a Rated Hoisting/Lifting Capacity of 2,000 Pounds or Less - 1926.1441

  • The employer using [equipment rated hoisting/lifting capacity of 2,000 lbs. or less] must comply with the following provisions of this subpart: 1926.1441 (a)
    • 1926.1407 through 1926.1411 (Power line safety)
    • 1926.1423 (Fall protection)
    • 1926.1432 (multiple cranes/derrick lifts - supplemental requirements)
    • 1926.1437 (Floating cranes/derricks and land cranes/derricks on barges)
    • 1926.1438 (Overhead & gantry cranes)
  • Operator qualifications - Employer must train each operator, prior to operating the equipment, on th esafe operation of the type of equipment they will be using. 1926.1411 (e)
  • Signal person qualifications - Employer must train each signal person in th eproper use of signals applicable to the use of the equipment. ​​​​​​​1926.1411 (f)