EHS Safety Training Compliance Kit Value Pack

Save $ 5,365.00

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Sale price$ 2,499.00 Regular price$ 7,864.00



- Save $5365 on a complete set of safety training and policies! -


The EHS Safety Training Compliance Kit Value Pack contains Affordable Safety Training's complete collection of training, policies, and forms.  This  package will give you a comprehensive suite of safety solutions, bundled together at a great price!

EHS Value Pack Contents

Safety Training Materials

Each subject includes a set of training materials you can use to train and certify your employees.  These are presented in PowerPoint® presentations, and they can be customized to your business.  Add your own text, pictures and logos, or just use as is.  Also included is the training support documentation, such as quizzes, answer keys, certificate of completion, wallet card templates, training rosters, evaluations, and more!

Safety Policies

Each subject contains a written safety policy, provided in Microsoft Word®, that you can customize to fit your business.  They cover the OSHA requirements, and the procedures and policies for the relevant subjects.

Safety Forms

Most topics require some sort of administrative documentation.  Lockout tagout requires a written LOTO procedure, Confined Space requires permits, and forklifts require driver evaluations.  All the necessary forms, checklists, and procedures are included in each compliance kit.

EHS Value Pack Subjects

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